The importance of training

Here follow some questions asked to a DAT instruments customer who has chosen the training in the Italian firm headquarter in order to use dataloggers properly.

Many times, while purchasing something, we underestimate the importance of the proper use of the purchased object. It does not matter if it is a simple clock or the most innovative PC. We often think to be able to use it properly and in the best way.

Unfortunately, it is not like this. For this reason, DAT instruments wants to underline the importance of a proper training for data loggers.

An innovative data logger such as those of DAT instruments let the Customer gain value on his equipment. For this reason, it is always important to know how to use it properly and in all its potential.

Having the chance to understand every single function, before using it in field, let save time, which is never enough, and avoid mistakes, which could affect the correct execution of the established work.

DAT instruments gives the opportunity of having a specialized technician at disposal who explains how to use the data logger, where and how to install sensors, how to use the Easy DAT software.

Attending the training is an additional value also for safety and certifications to show to Customers and Supervisors your professionalism and accuracy.

At the end of the training, the Customer has learnt all the potentialities of the data logger he bought and can explain them to his co-operators in field or in office.

Once DAT WorkShop at DAT instruments headquarter is finished, the Customer has a certificate of attendance.

In order to have an idea of all services available with DAT instruments, have a look to the specific article at the following link.

Here are some questions made to someone who attended this training at DAT instruments headquarter.


Questions about the importance of the training at headquarter or in field.

  • Which were your expectations while deciding to attend training hours at DAT instruments headquarter?

Good morning. My idea was to learn and to clarify all my doubts concerning management and installation of equipment, how to insert and download data and manage the software. I wanted to be present in a way to be able to interact with technicians and to make questions in a way to avoid problems in field.

  • Which aspects you clarified that you did not imagine facing during installation or using the data logger?

I have learnt where to install sensor and the data logger, know which parts must be connected together. I have learnt to use the different kind of data transfer and how to manage reports, which are very important.

  • Did you have the opportunity to make all possible questions to our specialized technicians?

I have had the opportunity to clarify all my doubts thanks to techniciansโ€™ very detailed answers and explanations. DAT instruments staff is very precise in all explanations, attentive and friendly during the training.

  • After attending this training in DAT instruments firm, do you think you are now able to share your knowledge with your staff in field?

Now I have been able to teach my staff in field of civil works. It could have been more complicated without my customized training at DAT instruments.

  • Do you suggest DAT instruments training to data logger owners?

Yes, I do. It is better to attend a training even because I did not find any problem with communication in other languages and now I can give a better service to my Customers thanks to DAT instruments.

DAT Workshop, visita in azienda, corso data logger, training, datalogger

DAT Workshop, visita in azienda, consegna certificato di partecipazione, training, datalogger

DAT Workshop, visita in azienda, corso data logger, training, datalogger DAT Workshop, visita in azienda, corso data logger, training, datalogger

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