It is now clear for everyone that coronavirus Covid-19 emergency is not only in some Countries but also all over the world.
This epidemic, born in China, has rapidly, more rapidly that thought by any expert virologist, spread in any corner of the world.

Now the keyword is containment. Yes, because it is very important to save weak people who are toughly facing this illness and who, in most cases, cannot win their battle.
To do this, safety procedures have been carried out and these procedures are involving anyone, from children to professionals in any sector.
It is fundamental to follow these guidelines, which are going to let decrease the spread of Covid-19 in less time.
DAT instruments pays always attention to changes and to Customers and co-operators welfare, in any situation.

In addition to following all guidelines for DAT instruments staff safety, such as social distancing, smart working, disinfection of rooms and objects, starting from now, the Italian company is thinking even about people who are struggling with another big deal: continuing their business.
DAT instruments is always updating its production and its services.
Modern data loggers like DAT WideLog and DAT TinyLog can meet all demands and needs. Resistant touch screen monitor, very wide internal memory, resistant data loggers in any condition (very high or low temperatures, sand, etc.), these are only some of the characteristics of these modern data loggers. Remote assistance let the technical staff works on instruments from their office, without needing to be in the building site.

Also for the services, DAT instruments has already updated its procedures.
Technical assistance and data logger installation during coronavirus must adapt to the situation and one of the available services is DAT OnLine. In this particular moment, it is important to focus on this service.
With DAT OnLine service, the Customer has the opportunity to buy, install and learn how to use DAT instruments data loggers remotely. It is not necessary that a DAT instruments technician takes a flight to go in field: he is available online. Thanks to Internet, telephone, email and Skype, it is like being in field. Easy DAT software installation can be carried out remotely on the Customer PC.

Customer can schedule an online meeting with day and hour and a DAT instruments technician follows him in any installation procedure and data logger use as being in field!
Data logger installation during coronavirus must evolve and DAT instruments is available with this service with a particular discount thinking about the difficult situation all over the world.
To face this global emergency, DAT instruments, in addition to the DAT OnLine service, is offering to all Customers in Countries struggling with Covid-19 virus and until the end of this emergency to get, with a special price, services like:
– Subscriptions and updates for software. For those who would like to anticipate buying the subscription not already expired in order to use Covid-price, the subscription will start from the expiring date of the previous one, in this way there are no loss of days.
– EDAT service for data elaboration.
– DAT Cal-OnLine, maintenance and online calibration.
– DAT PreWire, pre-wiring service in our labs before the delivery.
Stop the virus but do not stop the world working in safe condition.